Ten Interesting Facts About Teeth

  1. Milk teeth begin to develop before birth, but do not appear until 6-12 months after a child is born.
 Most people will have lost their milk teeth by the time they get to age fourteen.
  2. A full adult set consists of thirty-two teeth, the last four of which may appear later than the others. The final teeth to come through are referred to as wisdom teeth.
  3. A set of teeth consists of four different types; incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
  4. Incisors are the two front teeth on the top jaw, and the two front teeth on the bottom jaw.
  5. There are also four canine teeth – one on either side of your two sets of incisors. These teeth are very sharp, and used to tear foods.
  6. There are eight premolars in total, and they are located next to the canine teeth, with four on the upper jaw and four on the lower jaw. They are much larger and wider than the teeth at the front on your jaw.
  7. The molars are the eight teeth at the back of your jaw, again with four on top and four on the bottom. Located towards the rear of your mouth, these teeth play the biggest part in breaking down food.
  8. The outer coating of the tooth is a substance called enamel, and is the hardest substance present in the entire body.
  9. Inside the enamel and dentine shell is the area that controls the blood supply and nerve endings of the tooth. This highly-protected area is known as the pulp.
 The nerve endings within the pulp communicate with the brain.
  10. A substance called cementum is what secures the root of the tooth to the gum.
 The tooth is connected to the jawbone by periodontal fibres.