How Long do Dental Implants Last and how do you Maintain Them?

When did dental implant treatment start?

Implantology has been around since the 1960s. The first ever patient to have dental implants was Gösta Larsson in 1965. He died in 2006 with his implants still going strong 40 years later.

Will I need to replace my dental implants?

Dental implants can last a lifetime. The crown that goes on top may need replacing after 10 to 15 years through wear and tear. But proper care can make even crowns last longer.

Can dental implants fail?

Yes. But failure does not happen very often. A review in 2007* of single implants after five years reported a 96.8% survival rate. Implantology is now so advanced that failures owing to rejection or functional problems are rare. Perfect Pearls have a success rate of 98%.

What causes dental implants to fail?

The overwhelming majority of dental implants are successful. But factors that can cause failure are:

Poor dental hygiene

Think of implants like your natural teeth: you need to healthy gums to support them. Brushing and flossing thoroughly every day is essential for your teeth and your implants.


Smoking inhibits blood flow, which affects the healing process after implant surgery. Even after the implant has successfully bonded with the bone, smoking can cause inflammation, infection and ultimately, failure.

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can cause implant problems. Please call Perfect Pearls on 01902 500 823 for advice.

Looking after your Implants

Implant aftercare is the key to implants that last a lifetime. Thankfully, caring for your implants is not difficult. In fact, it’s virtually the same as caring for your own teeth.

Healthy lifestyle

Staying healthy is good for your mind, body – and implants:

  • Avoid sugar, junk food and fizzy drinks
  • Keep your alcohol intake low
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit

Excellent dental hygiene

If you’ve invested in dental implants, you also need to invest time and effort in keeping your mouth healthy. Implants may not be “real” teeth. But if neglected, they develop a coating of bacterial plaque just like natural teeth. Eventually, without treatment, you could end up with peri-implant mucositis: an inflammation of the gums around the implant.

The basic advice for keeping your teeth and gums healthy is straightforward (and you may be following it already). It’s simply a case of making oral care part of your daily routine:

  • Brush your teeth and gum line gently with a soft toothbrush twice a day
  • Floss once a day with floss, tape or interdental brushes

Your implant dentist at Perfect Pearls will give you specific advice on how to care for your implants.

Regular checkups

Regular dentist checkups are vital to the longevity of dental implants. Your dentist will spot issues early and treat them. And hygiene appointments will complete the oral health routine you maintain at home. Check-ups are recommended every 6 months and we ask that any dental implant patient visits us at Perfect Pearls at least once a year so we can check their oral status and keep the lifetime guarantee valid.

So ultimately, your implants will last a long, long time if you care for them well. To find out more about having dental implants, visit a Perfect Pearls clinic in Wolverhampton for your free initial consultation. Call us on 01902 500 823

or book online.

* Jung, R. E.; Pjetursson, B. E.; Glauser, R.; Zembic, A.; Zwahlen, M.; Lang, N. P. (2008). “A systematic review of the 5-year survival and complication rates of implant-supported single crowns”. Clinical Oral Implants Research 19 (2): 119–130. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2007.01453.x