Complaints Policy

uk-clinics-guarantee-1Perfect Pearls strive to ensure that all patients are pleased with the service they have been given and therefore we take all complaints very seriously.

Complaints can be made in writing to ‘Perfect Pearls Clinical Management’ at  – Tyburn Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 2PU, or via email at [email protected], by the patient or by an authorized person on the patient’s behalf.

Every complaint will receive an immediate written acknowledgment and the Management will endeavour to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible (usually about 2 weeks). For our full Complaints Procedure and policy, please ask a member of our reception team. If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be acknowledged by the Management team and then referred to the treating Dentist. Please note that in these cases, Perfect Pearls accepts no liability on behalf of the treating Dentist and acts as a liaison between the patient and the treating Dentist only.

If you are unsatisfied with our internal handling of your complaint you may be referred to:

The Care Quality Commission
Finsbury Tower
103-105 Bunhill Row
Telephone: 03000 616161
Email: [email protected]

The Dental Complaints Service
The Lansdowne Building
2 Lansdowne Road
Telephone: 08456 120540
Email: [email protected]

For our full terms and conditions please visit our website click here.