Why teeth implants may be the most painful (And costly) mistake of your life
Firstly the Daily Mail’s article revolves around a patient (Trevor Peak) who was seemingly given bad or lack of, advice. This is reflected in the fact that he was awarded damages (But this wouldn’t have been due to the implants themselves). He was a smoker and this can have very adverse effects on the success (Or otherwise) of an implant bonding with bone in the jaw. The patient says he was neither asked nor had any advice that smoking would/could have a negative effect on any implant and this was a big mistake from the clinic. Any patient considering dental treatment should have lifestyle questions asked in order to assess the success of any new treatment, but also to see why the natural tooth/teeth have been affected up to that point. All Perfect Pearls patients are asked questions such as if they smoke, so that the dentist/implantologist can make the best suggestions and recommendations for treatment- and the subsequent success of this.
The patient in question also highlights that he was recommended to have extra bone added at the time of his implant. This was to come from his thigh. Bone grafting is not uncommon but in most cases artificial bone is used to supplement existing bone in the jaw- it is only extreme cases that bone is taken from other parts of the body! When the patient refused this, this obviously meant that the implant’s chances of success go down. Perfect Pearls offer a lifetime guarantee on their implants and will only place implants where we feel there is a high chance of success. If a patient refused any bone grafting and we felt this meant the implant would not be successful, we wouldn’t proceed with implant treatment.
What’s more, Perfect Pearls give every patient full aftercare instructions- both verbally and written. We go through patients’ treatment plans with them from their very first consultation, making sure they understand each step of treatment recommended, the timelines and costs- Which are up to 70% lower than many practices within the UK and comparable to those found in Europe!
We place over 150 implants every month and have a 98% success rate (2%-5% is the normal acceptance for failure rates clinically).
The article also highlights a major success with Alun Banner now enjoying the increased range of food he can eat (Which has made him healthier from having more options). There are far more success stories than horror and one thing the article does show, is the saving that patients can make with Perfect Pearls – Implants are listed as being from £2000-£4000 each, Perfect Pearls offer these at £680 with a Lifetime guarantee!!!
It’s also important to be aware that whilst good oral hygiene is essential (Brushing twice a day, using a mouthwash) there is no need for ‘Obsessive oral hygiene’ i.e. brushing fours time a day. In natural teeth this amount of brushing could actually wear down enamel on the tooth, the same could be said for porcelain crowns/bridges thus decreasing their lifespan.
Perfect Pearls offer a complimentary consultation ahead of committing to any treatment so that we can assess and then explain the recommended treatments for any patient. We take each patient into a separate room after their initial time in the dentists’ chair and step by step explain the treatment plan with them, answering any questions they may have as we go. There’s no obligation to book with us and we hold any prices quoted for a full 28 days to let the patient make up their own mind as to when and if they would like to start treatment. To compliment this, any questions the patient has after treatment is responded to by one of our medical professionals, within 60 minutes of any call or email.