Whether your dentist has just mentioned them for the first time, or if they are something you have been considering for a while, the chances are you have questions about what exactly they are and how the procedure works. In this article, we answer some of the most common questions about this increasingly popular treatment.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a titanium screw that is used to replace the root of a tooth when it fails and support one or more false teeth. It is placed into the jawbone just like the original root, and offers a secure and safe way to get back your smile. They can be used to secure anything from a single tooth to an entire bridge.
Can Anybody Have Implants?
Generally speaking, implants are suitable for the majority of patients. The treatment does, however, rely on the condition of the bone in the jaw, so a thorough investigation must be conducted for any individual wishing to get implants. This will involve a dentist carrying out special tests to see if there is enough bone, and if it is in good enough condition.
What if I Don’t Have a Suitable Jaw?
If there is not a sufficient amount of bone or if health issues are identified, it may still be possible to place implants. In this situation, however, a bone graft may first be required. This involves either taking some donor bone from adjacent areas or using bone from other sources and placing it in the deficient area. After a few months, the bone will bond sufficiently with the surrounding bone to support the implant.
Does Having Dental Implants Fitted Hurt?
As with any dental procedure, there is never a guarantee that you won’t experience pain. However, the process of fitting implants is usually conducted under local anaesthetic and in most cases can actually be easier and less painful than a tooth extraction. You will, like with an extraction, feel discomfort in the week following the procedure, but most patients say that the benefits far outweigh any discomfort.
How Long Does it Take?
The time required to complete dental implant surgery varies from person to person, but on average the work is completed within three to four months. This is because once fitted, the jaw bone needs to grow around the implants to fuse them into place before teeth can be supported. If your dentist feels that the implant is stable enough, he or she may be able to fit the replacement teeth sooner. It is important to remember that patience is the key to a successful outcome, so you should always trust your dentist’s judgement.
I’ve Got My New Teeth – What’s Next?
For implant surgery to be fully effective and leave you with a lasting smile, it is important to follow your dentist’s guidelines and properly look after your implants. This means that it is very important to keep them properly clean and visit your dentist for regular check ups – just as you normally would. Treat them with the same respect you would your natural teeth and you should have a lasting smile.
Perfect Pearls dental team specialise in providing high quality dental treatment at affordable prices. To get in touch and learn more about low cost dental implants call us now on Wolverhampton 01902 500 823. Alternatively, enquire online now and a member of the team will contact you shortly.